Author name: marco

【以人為本 達致共融】

HANSHIN eCare成功融合香港大型的綜合康復服務大樓,應用先進科技(離床偵察及防跌系統),不但提升服務效能,同時保障殘疾人士的安全。

勞工及福利局局長孫玉菡先生於2024年1月到訪全港最大型綜合康復服務大樓計劃的營辦機構之一 ~香港耀能協會小欖青輝園,期間小欖青輝園院長李嘉薇女士向孫局長等人介紹小欖青輝園應用的先進設備及系統(上圖)。 當中包話HANSHIN eCare 的智能預測離床感應床墊。

(照片及資料來源: 官方網頁)

Man died after 7 hours in station toilet without functioning fall down alert systems

A man died in June 2021 after spending some seven hours in a Tokyo subway station toilet whose two alert alarm systems were not working properly, Tokyo Metro Co. disclosed on March 2, without the installation of a fall down detection sensor. According to Tokyo Metro, a security guard noticed a multipurpose toilet door lamp …

Man died after 7 hours in station toilet without functioning fall down alert systems Read More »

eCare 的睡床感應床帶

eCare 的睡床感應床帶,這是一種專為老人、身體有障礙者和需要特別照顧的人設計的睡眠監測系統。eCare 相信這種技術可以幫助耀能協會為您的客戶提供更好的服務。市面上有很多睡床感應,eCare 的睡床感應床帶可以輕鬆地放置在床墊下方,能夠監測您的客戶的睡眠狀態、心跳和呼吸,並且還具有防跌倒功能。這些功能有助於提高對客戶的關注和關愛,減少不必要的意外事件,更好地照顧他們的生活。 eCare 睡床感應床帶還具有以下特點: 我們相信,我們的睡床感應床帶可以幫助耀能協會為您的客戶提供更好的關注和照顧。


eCare – In Bed 非接觸式人體偵測系統

假如你在網上搜尋「非接觸式人體偵測」,我們深信現階段是較難找到的。eCare – In Bed 非接觸式人體偵測系統適合於任何人士睡眠分析、老年患者,醫院病房,嬰兒,護理等。在護理老人時,防跌倒是主要的關注點。 eCare 原理:革新技術eCare傳感器連接在床,當人體心臟跳動時候,由血液從心臟流出主動脈再流向動脈的血液在身體會產生反作用力。當人在床上的時候,床感應傳感器人身體產生微妙的振動通過超高靈敏度的速度傳感器捕捉微弱信號。再通過微型CPU 編入我專利算法將加速度傳感器上的數據轉換為生命體徵數據算法來提取脈衝等生物信號通過多個PVDF壓電膜片和BCG傳感技術節點,監測身體信號包括脈衝,呼吸頻率,心率變異度,壓感等實時檢測人體離床訊息再結合 AI 智能IoT雲端技術轉發多個管理平台系統。

The Benefits of Cloud-Based Fall Detection Systems

Cloud-based fall detection systems have revolutionized the way caregivers and emergency services respond to falls. By using remote servers to store and process data, these systems offer numerous benefits, including accessibility, data management, and scalability. Accessibility is one of the primary advantages of cloud-based fall detection systems. Caregivers and emergency services can access the system …

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The Advantages of Using AI Learning in Fall Detection Systems

Fall detection systems are essential in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals, particularly seniors and people with disabilities. AI learning is becoming increasingly popular in fall detection systems, providing numerous advantages in terms of accuracy and reliability. AI learning algorithms can analyze data collected by fall detection sensors, allowing the system to learn and …

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Why MMWave Technology is the Future of Fall Detection Systems

In recent years, fall detection systems have become increasingly popular, especially in healthcare and home care settings. One of the latest innovations in this field is the use of MMWave technology, which is changing the game for fall detection systems. MMWave technology uses electromagnetic waves with a frequency range between 30 GHz and 300 GHz, …

Why MMWave Technology is the Future of Fall Detection Systems Read More »

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