Smart · Health Care
Hospitals & Elderly Center / Homes
Intelligent System Solutions
Research & Development Manufacturer

Fall Detection System

In-Bed Health Care System

Anti-Wandering System

Smart · Health Care
Hospitals & Elderly Center / Homes Intelligent System Solutions
Research & Development Manufacturer

Fall Detection System

In-Bed Health Care System

Anti-Wandering System

Smart Wearable Thermometer
eCare eliminates the captioned problem
Efficient And Reliable Painting Hospitals & Elderly Center
The problems facing healthcare today

healthcare resources are tight

Deal With Urgent Case in a Short Time

infection control

manpower problem

management flexibility

ease of operation

various security systems make difficult to manage

Health Care Resources Are Tight

Deal With Urgent Case In A Short Time

Elderly Safety Issues



Management Flexibility


Various Security Systems Make Difficult To Manage
24/7 Monitor
Smart Wearable Thermometer
eCare Smart Wearable Thermometer utilizes advanced technology to compliant ASTM E1112 accurately measure body temperature without the need for frequent measurements. Simply apply it under the arm and you can measure their temperature anytime. The sensor is equipped with intelligent reminders that instantly send notifications when there is an abnormal increase or decrease in temperature, enabling you to take prompt action.

Fall Detection
Fall Detection System
The AI fall detection radar uses AI to analyze the characteristics of the target’s posture parameters. An instant alert will launch once danger is detected, which analysis through continuous detection and recording the changes in speed, distance, posture, and other activities. An abnormal long-term steady will also known as danger.
Wake Up Care
In-Bed Health Care System
The system can speedy and accurately detect target’s vital signs to provide a safe and reliable system. Alerts are launched when an abnormality is detected (including presence in bed, heart rate, breathing, sleeping quantity and air quality, etc.) within 2 seconds.

Wandering Guard
Anti-Wandering System
Wake Up Care
Hanshin eCare@Home is an advance system designed to enhance elderly lifestyle, it combines safety and health monitoring system in one. This loT system makes use of Al. technology and mobile application for real-time tracking of health indicator, air and sleep quality.

Operating Platform and Function Introduction
Computer platform of nurse’s station shows status of elderly and nurses can control setting. Real-time status can be monitored via touch monitor too.
Any emergency, alert will be sent to the computer of nurse’s station as well as a mobile device (i.e.: tablet / mobile phone / smart watch).